Day 100!

Happy Adoption Day to Abbie!
We started our journey as one group of four
But our goal was to add just one person more
We were going to meet you, to bring you on home
We wanted to hold you so you wouldn’t be alone
The plane ride was long as we sat and we waited
We sat there for hours and anticipated
What were you like? Did you know we were coming?
Would you want to come with us? Would Allie stop humming?
We transferred our plane but we were running late
We had to sprint through the airport to make it to our gate
When the plane landed in China we were all pretty tired
Although we couldn’t sleep. We were all pretty wired
We still couldn’t see you for a few days more
So we saw all the sights and went on a few tours
In twenty-three minutes we climbed the Great Wall
And on the way down I happened to fall
We rode on rickshaws in the pouring rain
It was pretty cool but definitely insane
There were so many other things that we got to do
But my greatest memory is of meeting you
A woman brought you out and you started to cry
It was like you knew you were saying goodbye
You were so little, you could barely hold up your head
“She’s perfect” were words both your mom and dad said
We finally had you on that hot July day
And I think you knew that we were here to stay
Being part of this trip is something I treasure
Know we are your family, always and forever

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